2023 5th International Conference on Control and Robot Technology (ICCRT 2023)
Registration Fee

1. When to register?

Full Paper/Abstract-After receiving the acceptance letter/official notification in which authors could register according to the guidelines.

Note: Abstract will be included in the program but not publishment. Submissions including full papers and abstracts need to be presented during conference.

Listener-Please CLICK to register directly. After you complete the information in the form and payment procedure, please don't forget to send payment voucher and filled registration form through iccrt@yeah.net to confirm your registration and participation, registration accepted before April 25th.

2. Payment Methods

1). US Dollar/Chinese Yuan Online Payment link (VISA/MASTER CARD).

2). US Dollar/Chinese Yuan Bank Transfer. (Paypal account is also available)

3. Registration Fee Details

Registration TypesBefore April 25, 2023After April 25, 2023
Full Paper (ICCRT reviewer)

Reviewer Application

350 USD400 USD
Full Paper (Student)400 USD450 USD
Full Paper (Standard)450 USD500 USD
Abstract Only320 USD380 USD
Listeners280 USD330 USD
Additional Paper(s)250 USD300 USD
Additional Page(s)30 USD30 USD
Extra Proceeding50 USD50 USD
Social Visit/May 2680 USD80 USD

* One regular registration (Full Paper Standard) can cover a paper within 5-8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
** One regular registration (Full Paper Standard) with one or more additional papers has only one proceedings or journal.
*** For the authors who have difficulties paying US Dollars, such as Iran, please pay Euros.
**** If you finish the registration before April 25, 2023, you can register as an early bird price.
***** If you would like to register the conference and publish your paper as the reviewer, please send email to iccrt@yeah.net. (At least Ph.D holder above can apply)

****** You are so welcomed to join the conference, but if you cannot attend due to some reasons, please inform this to iccrt@yeah.net.

******* Due to force majeure, the organizer has the right to change the conference time.

******** All refund applications need to follow the regulations below.


The Date for Refund ApplicationRefund Amount
Before April 20, 2023Full Registration Fee
April 20, 2023~May 20, 202370% of Full Registration Fee
May 20, 2023~June 20, 202350% of Full Registration Fee
After June 20, 2023No Refund